How weather & the outside markets are affecting sugar, cocoa, coffee, and cotton prices

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“How weather & the outside markets are affecting sugar, cocoa, coffee, and cotton prices”

by Jim Roemer - Meteorologist - Commodity Trading Advisor - Principal, Best Weather Inc. & Climate Predict - Publisher, Weather Wealth Newsletter 

  • Friday Evening - Weekend Report - July 26-28, 2024


To Watch Video   > > > > > > > >      P L E A S E    C L I C K    H E R E

Our Video (click the link above) Addresses the Following:

  • The bear market in cotton and chart pattern
  • Why a recovered Indian Monsoon and big Thailand crop have helped pressure sugar prices
  • Recent trade suggestions to WeatherWealth clients
  • What are BestWeather Spiders to help us advise in bullish vs bearish commodity trends?
  • The lower Brazil Real and the unprecedented long position of speculators helped to take the steam out of coffee's bull market (for now)
  • What a negative Indian Ocean Dipole and possible La Niña (later than many others mis-forecasted) could suggest for the northern Brazil drought by September-October)

Learn our better long-range weather forecasting techniques and futures and options strategies for many Ag and natural gas markets here with a 14-day free trial to our Weather Wealth newsletter

A recent option trade in sugar has potentially made clients 3x-to-4x their money in two weeks. 

What’s next? Find out here

Thanks for your interest in commodity weather!

Jim Roemer, Scott Mathews, and The Weather Wealth Team 

Mr. Roemer owns Best Weather Inc., offering weather-related blogs for commodity traders and farmers. He also is a co-founder of Climate Predict, a detailed long-range global weather forecast tool. As one of the first meteorologists to become an NFA registered Commodity Trading Advisor, he has worked with major hedge funds, Midwest farmers, and individual traders for over 35 years. With a special emphasis on interpreting market psychology, coupled with his short and long-term trend forecasting in grains, softs, and the energy markets, he established a unique standing among advisors in the commodity risk management industry.

Trading futures and options involves a significant risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. 

On the date of publication, Jim Roemer did not have (either directly or indirectly) positions in any of the securities mentioned in this article. All information and data in this article is solely for informational purposes. For more information please view the Barchart Disclosure Policy here.